Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Running Diary 1

First off, I have created a Twitter account as @Toddler_Wars if you are on the Twitter and want to follow me. I want to post the random stuff that happens throughout the day, occasional pics, etc. as it comes up. I'll probably link it to Facebook so it posts there too. Don't accidentally follow @ToddlerWars, they are inactive. And lame. On to the running diary.

Back when I had a lot of free time at work, I loved reading Columnist Bill Simmons on One of my favorite columns would be his running diaries of big sporting events, especially when his favorite teams were involved. I had a thought this morning that it might be fun to do my own running diary of a typical day. I didn't really write any thing down, just tried to pay attention so the timing may be just a bit off. I also don't promise that the following happened in any sort of order. Times are military time for ease of writing, if you don't know military time, what did your father teach you?

0600 First wake up, due to a crying baby in our bed.
0615 Baby still crying, still hoping she'll fall asleep.
0645 Finally give up and pick baby up to put her in the jumper while I shower. Oh, you overflowed the diaper so that's why you've been crying. Change baby and plan to wash the baby-pee soaked sheets on our bed.
0700 Shower.
0715 Get the boy up and head downstairs.
0800 Breakfast is served, eggs, bacon, sausage, cereal, banana, yogurt, juice, and coffee. I get the coffee, boy gets juice. It's his first of about 18 cups today. Feed the girl after finishing my food.
0845 Start first of 3, now 4 loads of laundry. Clean up after breakfast.
0940 Hand off the girl to the wife for feeding and nap time while Owen and I upload photos from his new kid's digital camera to see how they look on the computer. He loves the thing, especially putting the special effects on the frame for pictures. These photos are pretty typical of what he takes:

0945 We're getting bored with looking at the photos we've taken so we get some M&Ms out on the table and start counting. Basic math, you have 5 green M&Ms and you ate one, so how many do you have left? I think he learned something, and he even gave Daddy one. Sharing! From a 3 year old!
0955 Out of M&Ms and the sugar is starting to kick in, so we start yelling our name through a leftover cardboard tube.
0955 We're getting board (board/bored, get it? AHAHAHAHAHAHA) with the cardboard tube, so Daddy gets an idea.
1030 Some electrical tape, duct tape, and a lot of help from a 3 year old and he thinks we made a lower case 't':

A little coaching on medieval weaponry and some military training and we were ready to storm the dragon castle.

1050 Hot chocolate time. Owen wants hot chocolate, but he doesn't actually want to drink it because it's too hot.
1110 Lily wakes up and we storm through the house throwing on coats and mobilizing to the library for Preschool story time.
1130 Walk in and sit down right as the first book title is being read aloud.
1210 Headed home after singing some songs, doing the scarf dance (I witnessed it, and I still don't know), stories, bubbles, etc.
1245 Lunch time. Kraft mac and cheese with hot dogs. I honestly think it's the first time I've had it since college. I forgot how awesome and terrible it could be in the same bowl. First time Owen has had it too. Probably would have eaten the bowl too if I hadn't removed it.
1330 Quiet time. Owen doesn't really nap, even though he needs to. This one was more for Daddy's sanity and peace. And to get some stuff done.
1415 Quiet time over, Toy Story 3 on the tv for the kid's distraction. During the movie, more laundry and made Mexican Chicken Casserole for dinner. Guys, cook 2/3 cup rice, mix it up with chicken, peppers, onions, can of diced tomatoes, can of corn, packet of taco seasoning, 350 degrees for an hour and 15 minutes and you get credit for dinner.
1500 to 1545 Sitting on the couch trading favorite Toy Story 3 quotes with my favorite 3 year old tuberous root man.
1600 Lily wakes up as I am mobilizing the boy to go outside for some running around and get the mail. Lily stays with Mommy and the new duct tape sword comes outside. Of course we have to pee in the backyard.
1630 to 1730 Just let him play with Mommy's iPod while I do more laundry, cleaning, etc.
1730 Dinner!
1815 Put Lily to sleep.
1845 Walk out of Lily's room and do more laundry/cleaning.
2000 Sit down to write this.
2130 Pass out face down in bed (hopefully).

I'm exhausted.


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