Thursday, June 23, 2011

My new favorite hobby

Owen is officially in his imagination stage now that he's coming up with random stuff off the top of his head. I've said this just about every stage he's been through, but this is definitely my favorite. And my new favorite hobby is asking him yes/no questions because of the enthusiasm with which he answer "Yes!" or "Noooooooooo!" with a head shake. The answers are usually creative and are not based in reality. Wait a second, maybe imagination means he's laying the groundwork for lying.

For example, he started talking about his trip to Carowinds with Nana and Papa the other day at lunch. He told us how he drove a boat, a car, a spaceship, etc. So we started asking questions. Did you ride a horsie? "Yes!" Did you drive a plane? "Noooooooo!" How about a helicopter? "Yes!" A dinosaur? "Yes!"

So while the witness was cooperative, we decided to check up on Nana and Papa's grandparenting style. What we discovered was shocking.

Did Nana and Papa pinch you a lot? "Yes!"
Did they make you walk barefoot on the hot pavement? "Yes!"
When it was lunch time, did they give you stale bread and luke-warm broth? "Noooooooo!"
Did Nana and Papa make you get a minimum wage job to pay for your own ticket to Carowinds? "Yes!"
Did Nana and Papa really leave you in the car while they had fun? "Noooooooo!" Well, at least that's something.
Did they take you on the biggest rollercoaster in the whole park even though you're too small? "Yes!"
Did they give you some beer? "Yes!"
Did you like the beer? "Yes!"
Do you want more beer? "Noooooooooo!" Good, because Daddy has trouble sharing.
If Nana and Papa want to take you out again, do you think they'll give you a noogie? "Nooooooooo!"
How about a wedgie? "Yes!"

I clearly learned that Nana and Papa are doing an iffy at best job grandparenting. I'll also soon learn whether or not they read my blog.


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