Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Darn This Ancient Technology

Owen mastered iPod several months ago. He knows where to find his games in various folders. He can access Netflix, go to the Instant Queue, and play an age-appropriate show. Of course, he also knows that if he accesses Daddy's blood and guts games or plays the Nazi Zombie movie, there will be a magic trick performed before his very eyes. He'll get thumped and the iPod will vanish into thin air (Daddy's pocket).

It's pretty fantastic, I have used the iPod to pacify the beast in the grocery store, doctor's office, car, while I'm on the phone, and so on. Maybe being overly plugged in is bad for them, but being assaulted by an angry mob for the screaming kid in a store is also bad for us.

The problem we've found is that Owen expects all electronics and even stuff that is not electronic to be magically wonderful like all Apple products. Touch screens are Awe. Some. So EVERYTHING should have a touch screen, right? The tv, the digital camera, screen door, laptop computers, windows, the light switch when viewed through the digital camera. That was hilarious. He's trying to flip the light switch through the camera viewer. Who's raising this kid?

It's funny, but it's kind of annoying when he's trying to swipe the tv to get to his shows. Oddly enough, lil' boys have greasy, sticky, and snotty fingers and this material is now on our expensive media devices. After Owen is finished with my iPod, I usually need to take a pressure washer to it. With bleach. And antimicrobial soap.

We try to explain to him that some electronic devices require a remote control, oh the horror! He is pretty excited about the fact that he doesn't have to un-ass himself from his chair to select the next show on Netflix. A real man. Especially since he's learned that weekends mean "Daddy needs to watch football!"

I feel like next year will be the year that I teach him how to yell at missed tackles and second guess the coaches. I just hope he doesn't think he can take a Sharpie to the tv to diagram plays like the announcers.


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