Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Don't Tell Mommy

We were playing in the backyard this morning (not with the fancy swingset, with sticks and a $1 ball) when it happened. "I need to go potty Daddy." This is excellent, we haven't had any potty incidents in quite some time. The trouble with his announcement outside is that he never wants to go inside. For any reason.

Trying to get him inside often results in screaming, loss of bones, and tears. I can usually get him to come in for a potty break with the promise that we will immediately come back outside and I won't force him to do anything dastardly like wash his hands or face. Today was really difficult, after his announcement he wandered over to the bushes, chased the dog, and wanted to pick a 'pomato' in the garden. Convincing him to come inside and potty was not going to work. "Fine," I said, "let's pee in the backyard."

It was a huge hit with the participant. He couldn't stop loudly announcing to the trees and dog that he peed outside. It was so much fun, we did it again while we were outside playing in the afternoon. Same tree, just doing our part for the native vegetation during the heat wave.

The reason I've entitled this particular post 'Don't Tell Mommy' is that there are certain members of this household that don't believe in taking a leak in the comforts of nature. Especially when the indoor plumbing is a mere 3 or 4 hundred steps away. Toddlers don't take straight lines. This won't be an everyday occurrence Mommy, don't worry.

Of course, this evening, he did announce he had to go potty and started acting like he was just going to water the chair in the living room. We'll have to keep a close eye on that, else Mommy is going to be REALLY upset.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We have tee-tee flowers in our yard. My brother invented that last year when we visited him and the number of trips inside from the pool was getting out of hand.
