Monday, August 8, 2011

A New Hope

This afternoon, Owen and I watched Star Wars. The original, episode IV, A New Hope. He LOVED it. Sure, we skimmed through a few of the battle scenes and the Uncle/Aunt death scene. The best part was his little comments throughout. He was really excited about the spaceships and robots. We'll work on calling them droids later. Here were a couple that I particularly enjoyed.

At the beginning when the star destroyer is chasing Princess Leia's ship: "It's a BIIIIIG spaceship!"
As C3PO and R2D2 are in the dessert of Tattooine: "The robots are walking. It's hot."
Me: "That's C3PO."
Owen: "C3PO"
Me: "And that one is R2D2."
Owen: "R2D2"
When the Jawas short circuit R2 and pick him up: "They're gonna help the robot."
"Omi Wan Kemoni, Oki Man Pemoni, Oki Wan Wenoni"
Me: "Stormtroopers are baddies."
Owen: "Stormtroopers are baddies."
"No moon. It's station."
Anytime one is on screen: "It's a spaceship!!!!!!"
At the end: "I like that movie. Watch it again?"

That last one brought a little tear to Daddy's eye.


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