Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hypothetical Scenario 1

If I was going to make banana pudding for an afternoon snack and a two and a half year old (we'll call him...Bowen) wants a banana. I need the bananas for the pudding, but I am feeling benevolent and give him a chunk from one of them. "Bowen" is not happy with this, as he wants his own, whole banana, and pitches a screaming fit of epic proportions. The chunk of banana he received is thrown on the floor multiple times and is soon covered in dirt and hair.

My question, if such a hypothetical situation were to occur, is: "Am I a terrible father if I find the tantrum funny?"

On a side note, "Bowen" spent so much time telling me he wanted a whole banana and ignoring the piece he got that the dogs ended up enjoying his chunk o' banana and he got none. Didn't want any of the banana pudding when it was snack time.


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