Monday, July 11, 2011

Red vs. Blue

So we had our first political argument with Owen last night. It was just before dinner and I offered him some milk. Apparently, he is a Republican, as he respectfully requested red milk through his normal foot stomp and , "NO! I want RED milk!". All we had was blue milk. Not actual milk color, but the cap on top of the white milk container with white milk inside.

Since we only had blue-capped milk, I proposed a wonderful compromise of blue milk and reached across the great divide by pouring him a nice cold sippie-cup and handing it over. All I requested was a "Thank you." And a 43 million dollar pork project for my basement, but we'll hammer that out later.

The Great Communicator received this gift with Kim Jong Il level diplomacy by slapping it out of my hand and launching into a massive tirade about the discontented proletariat, complete with screaming, tears, foot-stomping, shoving of plates of dinner, and attempted throwing of the disgusting blue milk filled sippie-cup. I think we were about 2 minutes from a military parade complete with tanks and ballistic missiles to demonstrate a steadfast commitment to red milk.

Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed and bipartisanship ruled the day as the wife and I generally ignored the threats and both sides came to an agreement. The boy would settle for blue milk, accompanied with chicken, rice, and carrots, but would not be forced to eat the asparagus and corn. In the future we will hide the colored caps of all milk and juice products so as not to anger the sensibilities of the lil' banana republic dictator. Hooray Democracy!


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