Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mental Health Day

I had some work stuff to do this morning, so I headed into the office, organized some files, and headed to a job site. It was a really nice break, I got to have adult discussion with big acronyms and jargon, found out that the scope of work we came up with was a good one, and the client seems to be pretty happy. I got home about 1:45 and walked into a quiet home.

Quiet because everyone was asleep. The wife wasn't, but she was mostly catatonic from a rough night. The boy was actually napping too, a rare occurrence these days. He's come down with a bit of a cold in the last 24 hours, so the wife decided to just have a nice quiet day watching tv and letting him rest. I really think it was a respite for Lily as well. She reportedly spent most of the morning lounging around and napping while Owen generally played with a few toys quietly while staring at yet another episode of "The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That". The wife said it was recommended as an educational program, so it was a productive morning. Thankfully, it's relatively entertaining and well done, especially the 6th time you've been through the episodes.

Once I was back in SAHD mode, the wife went to work by replacing girl baby with her laptop. Lily promptly fell asleep on me in the baby carrier and was out for a good three hours. Once the boy awoke, the wife went and got him, where we spent more time watching "Cat." Daddy got in a nap, Owen rested, and everyone generally had a nice day off. I think we'll be back to normal tomorrow as Owen is already showing signs of his healthy attitude. After dinner, he dumped his big basket o' toys out onto the floor and thought about a tantrum or two.

It was nice to have an 'off' day, we'll pretend this one never happened when it comes to averaging out how much tv a kid watches and it's damaging effects on their developing brain. He did learn the phrase "It's a pleasure to meet you," today so I'll chalk it up to a win overall.


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